Wednesday, July 27, 2016

सागर मंथन

ये मंथन है धर्मों का 
ये मंथन है कर्मों का 
जीवन का ये मंथन है 
ये मंथन है चरमों का 
ये मंथन इक्छाओं का है 
ये मंथन सीमाओं का है 
ये मंथन है सपनों का 
ये मंथन है अपनों का 
ये मंथन अन्तर्मन का है 
ये मंथन अन्तर्द्वन्द का है 
ये मंथन है आत्मा का 
ये मंथन है परमात्मा का
है ये मंथन  इस धृति का 
है ये मंथन प्रकृति का 
ये मंथन है  अमृत का 
और मंथन है उस विष का 
जिसने पान किया उस शिव का 
क्या तुम शिव बन पाओगे ?
उस विष को पी पाओगे?
बस अमृत का लोभ लिए तुम
मंथन को व्यर्थ कर जाओगे  ... 
मंथन को व्यर्थ कर जाओगे। 

Monday, July 25, 2016

...and the hills whispered ..

I close my eyes..
I hear nothing..beside...
a faint murmur here...
echoing like music in my ears..
swish of winds in the trees..
water gurgling down the cave..
rushing down somewhere..
to tell somebody..Look who is here..!
and I wonder...if I could lie down here..forever...
with hills rising high above..
standing tall over me..
smiling at me..proud at me ...guarding me..
saying you are safe in my arms...
Just be one with me..

"So calm you stand..", I said
"...with so much inside you..."
He says,"I enfold life into me...the trees .. the birds..the animals...
even the water...and now even You..!
I am into you....
nothing disturbs me, nothing perturbs me...
so I am calm ..
I stand here waiting for you..
to come and feel me...
see what I go through..
to enfold life into me..
see how I hold happiness into me...
how I hold peace into me...."

"So, don't you feel that you can disturb me...
 you are just a restless baby in my arms...
trying to walk around...
...sometimes you forget...
and you try to walk over me..
so I want you to come and see..
That you don't have to be scared ..
That you don't have to conquer me..
I am into you...and you are into me.."

"We can stay love with each other...
..Don't you realise that we are meant to be together..?
Without you I am nothing.. and without me what are you?
So go ..if you must..
But I will still be here...
Smiling at you..
with if we hugged goodbye...
..But goodbye it isn't...
coz I will come by...
..again and again..
for the love ...for the peace..
...For You and for Me..!!

Between You and Me...!

After a long long time...
Travelling along the line...
between you and me ..
You fathoms deep..
And I am on the heap..
of dreams and desires..
We go for the horizon..
where we can meet .
The farther we go...
the farther it goes..
The horizon...of dreams and desires..
Why are we rushing..?
The thought comes gushing..
Its just a mirage..
You have got to stay..
wherever you are..
And relish the beauty..
of dreams and desires...
between you and me...
Its neither too far..
yet neither too close..
but a constant companion...
so savour we must..
the love and lust..
and witness the trust..
Between you and me...!!